Sunday, December 18, 2011

our christmas customs

one the of the dearest things that ties families together is tradition.
i love that we have combined tradtions from brett's side of the family and mine.
we hope to pass on our family's christmas traditions onto generation after generation.

this christmas for steele is absolutely the best!
he is so into every little christmas thing. 
our count down rings, treats to friends, christmas cards, wrapping presents
christmas music and he loves his christmas tree in his room. 
he also has a music rudolph that sings "rudolph".
he listens to it every night as he's falling asleep.

i can't image a better little boy to spend christmas with than steele.

and then there is my pear who lights up my life.
she is such a sweet addition to our family. 
aren't her eyes enchanting?! 
she studies everything wit her eyes,
and then with her mouth!
{rubber spatuals are a great makeshift teether!}

yep. her tops get soaked in minutes. 
and that tongue! it is so funny.

 {gingerbread houses}
every year we build gingerbread houses at grandma bubbles.
one of my new favorite traditions.

 {playing in the first snow fall}
when ever we wake up to snow we are outside in it!!
i just wish it would really snow already. 
i mean i want feet. white fluffy snow!
i love snow and think it is such a beautiful addition to the christmas season.
come on and snow! please!!
this little 1/4" stayed around for maybe an hour. 
steele and i went out in our jammies and played while it lasted.

we love when santa comes to visit. 
last year steele was terrified but this year was different.
he was the first one up on santa's lap, 
talking poor santa's ear off.
steele asked for;
buzz, woody & jessy
lots of treats
& a tool set

 we have much much more we have been up to,
but this will do for now.
we hope you are enjoying your christmas as much as we are!


kylee said...

even though i claim to be a snow hater i've actually been wishing for a good snow storm. it's not quite christmas until we get some ya know?!

D'Laina said...

Our age of kids is the best. Ethan is so excited...I think I'm most excited to see him on Christmas morning more than anything! I want snow too...I want to go sledding and make snow angels so bad come on already!