Thursday, February 10, 2011

my career as a mother

food for thought- i am one who has always said "i love being a mom!" i know it seems every mama out there says the same thing but if you could hear me actually say those words you would quickly know how much i mean them.

a common debate between man and wife seems to be the "which is harder, a career or being a stay at home mom?" this discussion has never come up in our relationship until the "poopy diaper" debate started. who would be the lucky one? on weekends when brett gets the chance to change steele we usually just do the "not it!" game and then do "i changed the last one..." after that. this past weekend i made the mistake of saying "i change diapers everyday...". we quickly had to get ourselves back on the same page of our chosen careers.

i love that we both feel the same way and don't ever belittle what the other does. in this case, we needed a little sit down with a heart to heart. i may change diapers all day but that is what being a mother in-tales. i'm not saying that father's don't have to do any dirty work because it's "not their job" because being a parent is so much more than a job description. motherhood has a lot of dirty work and hard work but in the same respect to what brett does; he works exhausting hours and has to rack his brain over tedious details. brett has always respected the role of a mother and says that being a mother is one of the most important roles we can achieve as women. i have always respected him in that i try to not bombard him with a list of "to-dos" when he walks through the door. we both try to relieve each other's stress by talking things out. we each know our roles and recognize the importance of each.

all too often i hear someone say "i would much rather go to work everyday that stay home" or a husband say "do you know how easy it would be to stay home all day". i don't know how that would make you feel but i would hate to feel like what i do is less than my spouse. i am passionate about my career. it is my "chosen" field of work. i worked pretty darn hard to become a mother and am grateful for every minuet i have with steele. i love being in his world all day long. it is a blessing and i know that my career as a mother is one of the most rewarding jobs i could ever have!  

ps those of you working mom's get a standing ovation because what you do has incredibly difficult!


n.davis said...

this is awesome. chris and i do the same thing with diapers. {'not it'}
it's true though, they work just as hard and just as long. both roles are extremely important to the family. in our eyes it's all equal. we are so blessed to be mommys. :)

Karly said...

I love this post. Out here in the east a stay at home mom is far and few between. The doctor is always filling out day care forms before I can even say that I dont need them. We need more positive Mothers out there showing that what they do is the MOST important influence their child will have. Go em!

Sarah said...

What a good post!!! I also wanted to let you know that we are doing Justin's Surprise 30th this Saturday at 630 at Noahs if you guys can make it. I did not have your address.. Hope all is well!!

preston. shawnee. cohen. said...

hahaha, will diapers ever not be a debate?? Cause the older they get... the worse their diapers get! We usually take turns on the weekend as well. Sometimes I have to remind myself as well that yes I change the majority of the diapers, but that is why I am home right?!
Preston and I feel the same way about motherhood and this topic. Isn't it nice when you and your spouse get into a routine and you just know what needs to be done? Like we do about five things every night to get Cohen ready for bed, and without talking about we just switch it up and take turns doing it all. It's nice. I hope that even makes sense ha. But.... that will soon all change in June! And we'll have to adjust to a whole new system.
Anyway, about the oyster sauce... mine doesn't say spicy. It just says "oyster flavored sauce". So maybe just add a little at time? Until it tastes like enough so you don't overdo it on the spice! I love just cook already recipes too, and this lettuce wrap one really is so good.

p.s. darling first purchase for the baby girl :) Love that skirt/tights. And not to mention awesome prices! So what are you thinking for names?!

melissa marie said...

so love this post! i love being a stay at home mom and i appreciate the fact that my husband works his butt of so that i can stay home. also kimball can't last more than a day at home alone with lucy - so he never throws the "easier to stay home" card :) doesn't mean we don't have our fights - but i have learned to love and embrace my role as stay at home mother and wife. and while motherhood may seem outwardly harder i never (well try not to) discount the burden on my husbands shoulders of trying to provide for our family.

kylee said...

as if i wasn't already stoked to become a mother someday you just made me that much more excited!

melissa marie said...

oh and also wanted to add another comment about the gap tutu. lucy grew out of the tights part fast so we cut them off and she can still wear the tutu with different trunks under it. keep that in mind in case you have a long-legged beauty of your own. :)

Carrie said...

So I love the family pics. YEah I haven't been online for a while. They are absolutely adorable.

Heather said...

My sister said something once that I really like. "During the day you both have full time jobs then in the evening when he gets home from work you both have part time jobs." I like to think of it that way. Although sometimes one of us needs a little extra TLC every once in awhile so the other picks up the slack for that day. It really is very rewarding to watch a baby develop and learn new things every day.

jenna said...

it's funny because when i started my business i really just wanted a little outlet, some extra money and a place to channel my creativity.

now that it's become a full blown business that i spend full time working on {late nights, naps, hired babysitters etc...} i CRAVE going back to the days of "just" being a mom. so i can't wait to get back to the day, in a couple months, when being mom is all i do. {because it really is the hardest job out there.} it's really such a blessing!